Century building around bad bruckenau

Children playing and enjoying cakes at the edge of the street, colorful cloths, bags, bric-a-brac and flower decorations have long been an attractive sight in ludwigstrabe and the old town. Who remembers that two decades ago the only way for fubgangers to avoid being carried away by a heavy goods vehicle was to jump over narrow sidewalks to reach the wall of the building??
At the gensler-corner, loads often got stuck, tore away pieces of walls, military transports made the city center tremble. Others wistfully remember the wall at the market square, meeting place of the youth. "Wall children" for lack of a better place to stay, they built their own in the former building yard.
As early as the 1920s, there were initial plans to build a street around the much too narrow city center (see info box). In the fall of 1992, ground was finally broken for the bypass. Previously, in a meeting of 250 bruckenauern only two had voted against the plan. The then construction director fritz wagner and state secretary director eduard lintner favored them even against the stop order of finance minister theo waigel a 25 million mark expensive project with a 1, 2 kilometer long detour. "You have to be at the government first thing in the morning with your application", was the tip of an experienced for the then bruckenau mayor hans rohrmuller.
A large part of the krugschen farm and the brewery at the east station had to be sacrificed. Alone the blowing up of the giant chimneys of the brewery and the opposite wood works in front of it was a sensation for bruckenau. Before the actual start of construction and the relocation of the sinn, the entire timber mill operations had to be relocated to oberleichtersbach, including a developed island area, and the dernbach print shop was demolished along with the classic residential building.
The river bed of the sinn was given a new course over a length of 570 meters on the city side, the river, which was classified as a torrent, was renaturalized and rebuilt with a promenade. Two additional bridges were required, 400 meters of the railroad line were shifted to the slope, although the end of the railroad line to wildflecken was already almost a foregone conclusion at that time. A bike and fub path next to the sinn connected the town with the school center.
6000 vehicles are paid in the meantime daily on the bypass tram (now ancenis tram) according to the advice of altlburgermeister hans rohrmulleer.Unimaginable that they still had to force their way through the narrow city center. With a smile, rohrmuller recalled the internal victory celebration after the groundbreaking ceremony at 11 a.M.11 o’clock 20 years ago. In today’s parking lot, he and the architect jurgen meyerdierks and the mayor of schondra, karl schneider, celebrated the hard-fought success with a toast.
Despite this, there are still discussions today about the ring road and the closure of ludwigstrabe to car traffic: "we are still alive, but when everything around is empty", it’s getting harder and harder", says retailer matthias dittmayer, speaking from the heart of many people. "The frequency is simply missing, the withdrawal of "their place, NKD and other problems…
1922 there were first discussions in the city council, because the ludwigstrabe was already overloaded at that time.
1934 first plans for a bypass begin. In 1938, several concepts were presented in connection with plans for a new reichsautobahn, but the plans were scuppered by the world war.
In march 1951, the city council again discussed several routes, including one that would go in a wide arc from romershag south of bad bruckenau to wernarz. However, this is rejected.
In 1958, efforts are put on hold for the time being because the A7 is built and the city receives one exit near volkers and another in the south. The city councillors hope that this will relieve the city center.
1985 the city council decides on seven variants, including a route below the old cemetery. The southern bypass from the car dealership lother to the "german house" is finally favored.
1992 groundbreaking for the bypass road.
In 1996, during the city festival, the pedestrian zone is opened and the ring road is cleared for traffic..
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