The district wants a seal of approval
In terms of education and school development, the district of habberge has a good name anyway. District administrator rudolf handwerker (CSU), in cooperation with all those responsible for education in the district, wanted the ministerial quality seal "educational region in bavaria" get. The official kick-off event, the first dialog forum for the process in which something like an overall educational policy concept is to be developed, took place on wednesday in the "silverfish", the support building at the school center in habfurt.
The district of habberge is responsible for two grammar schools, four secondary schools and the heinrich-thein vocational school and will invest well over 50 million euros in the buildings over the next few years. But the efforts don't end with the land, as district administrator handwerker explained during his welcoming speech. "We have taken on a pioneering role in the area of youth social work", he recalled, not only at the schools in his own jurisdiction, but also across the board at all secondary schools. He also said that the district is at the forefront of the expansion of all-day schools and the availability of childcare places.
Broad foundation
The process that has now been started can build on a broad foundation, since the "school development working group" was established ten years ago founded. Here, educators from kindergarten to vocational school work together with politicians and develop solutions for concrete problems, such as remedial teaching or the pedagogical concepts for all-day teaching. The "soft step" project was established here. The accompanied transition between the different types of schools is an essential pillar of the education region.
Craftsman buried it expressively that the ministry of education with the initiative "bildungsregionen in bayern" now approaches those responsible for education in the region. Expressively, the district administrator emphasized that it is not a matter of making as many people as possible into academics. However, every young person should have the best possible opportunities for development. At the same time, there is a need for a good adult education system. Rudolf handwerker sees the first step as being an overall concept for the district of habberge, with which "we can apply for the quality seal of education region in bavaria.
Both the vice president of the government, andreas metschke, and the senior ministerial councilor, stefan graf, from the ministry of education, praised the district of habberge for its commitment to education and schools. It was recognized at an early stage that the education offered in a region is also an important location factor, because "today, companies go where the qualified specialists are", explained metschke, who is also the demographic commissioner at the government of lower franconia. Gert weib, the ministerial representative for grammar schools in lower franconia, described the subject of educational transitions in the district as exemplary.
Habbergkreis was fast again
Ministerialrat stefan graf explained that, on the initiative of counties and independent cities in the ministry of education, a working group was formed to develop the handbook for the educational regions. The habberge district is one of the first to participate in this process: it is the fourth district in lower franconia and the 25th in germany to do so. In bavaria. The state youth office and the bavarian youth ring will evaluate the results from the habberge district, as will the ministry of education and the ministry of social affairs. The two ministries will then decide whether the district of habberge will receive the desired seal of quality.
Five working groups with sub-working groups were formed on wednesday, and they are expected to present their results in about nine months. The five pillars of the habberge educational region have the following themes: "organizing and accompanying transitions" (head of rector stephan bauer) "linking school and secondary school educational offers and educational institutions – opening up schools in the region" (head of the school district ulrike brech) "no talent should be lost – helping young people in special circumstances" (head of the red cross district dieter greger) "strengthening and developing civil society – contribution of youth services including youth work, all-day programs and cross-generational dialogue" (government councilor carolin mehringer-rath) "taking on the challenges of demographic change" (horst hofmann, managing director of the zweckverband schulzentrum habfurt).
Networking with the economy
These topics showed that despite all the preparatory work that has been done so far, there are still many challenges to be overcome, said district administrator rudolf handwerker. For example, the aim is to improve networking with the business community, but also to show schoolchildren the variety of jobs available in the habberge district. The all-day network and vacation care should be expanded, and schools close to home are just as much a topic as sustainable school building management, he emphasized.
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