Services to the church community
The many congratulators, who congratulated erika furst on the occasion of her 70th birthday. The people who made the show on the occasion of the club’s 50th birthday were all there by the book. The dedicated burger has rendered outstanding services to the evangelical lutheran church congregation.
Since december 2008, the jubilarian has been a member of the management team of the women’s aid organization. Before that, she spent many years as treasurer looking after the finances of the oldest protestant association in altenkunstadt. Furst has been singing in the protestant church choir for more than 35 years. She is on duty at the kreuzberg-kirchweih and is involved in the "flower service.
Furst fondly remembers her many years as a parish secretary. She devoted herself not only to administrative tasks, but also maintained close contact with the faithful, who valued her as a competent and trustworthy contact person.
Beside relatives, acquaintances and neighbors also representatives of the public life did not take it from, the "birthday child" to do their job. The pit of the parish was handed over by mayor robert hummer. On behalf of the protestant-lutheran congregation, pastor christian brecheis thanked her for her faithful cooperation. Former parish priest jurgen rix, who has been working in mangersreuth since april 2015, also congratulated his former "right-hand man. Congratulations from the evangelische frauenhilfe were offered by helga muller, roswitha luck and elke motschmann.
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