Children learn in the beaver castle
"The idea came from claus schenk, the director of the "house of the black mountains" in oberbach, says kindergarten director christine eberth-booms. She and her team were immediately enthusiastic. Architect karl seufert worked out a plan. The beaver fits in very well with the kindergarten and with bad bocklet, eberth-booms adds, because a beaver has had a territory on the saale for years: "so it seemed only logical to inform them about the life of this animal." They want to offer a green classroom, the opportunity to learn more about the life and nutrition of these animals.
At the beginning of the "beaver trail a specimen of the animal carved by robert reuscher (burghausen) awaits the visitors. "Here it was important for us to show what a beaver looks like as well as how it fells the tree trunks", explains christine eberth-booms. The sculpture shows how the animal goes to work. The wooden figure was worked out with attention to detail, even the bite marks in the wooden stump were taken into account.
The next step is a slide that symbolizes the transition from shore to water. Once you’ve crossed the fence, there’s a pond on the left where you can see the beaver’s food plants. "We have already planted the different shrubs. Now they only need to be labeled", says the kindergarten director. Stones are used to cross the pond. On the right is the entrance to the beaver’s lodge, an entrance cavity formed with stones. Adults can also enter the round building, the actual beaver’s lodge, through a door. The inside of this building can be darkened, here you will later find a lot of information about the life of the beavers. "For this we will receive a beaver specimen to show the children what the animal looks like", says eberth-booms. The round structure, typical for beaver castles, is covered with branches at the top. The kindergarten children are thrilled with the beaver’s lodge. "It is very nice that we have such a space at our disposal all year round", adds the kindergarten director.
The team put a lot of work into building it. According to the kindergarten director, around 600 hours were spent helping with the project, with most of the work being done by the kindergarten children’s parents. "In addition, there were donations of materials from private individuals and companies who, for example, cut the wood for the beaver’s lodge, transported the stones and did the excavation work", says eberth-booms. The costs could be kept low. Smaller jobs like making and putting up a new fence are still to be done, but most of the work is done.
The kindergarten director is already looking forward to attending the kindergarten festival on sunday, 6. May to introduce the beaver castle. At 11 a.M. The beaver house will be inaugurated by pastor michael kubatko. The "beaver beer" is also allowed at the festival made for the occasion by a master brewer from the company’s parents.
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