Bamberg as a backdrop for hollywood and co.
A brightly lit square in bamberg. Thursday evening is already advanced, it goes already into the night. Whoever staggered past the schranne and the pfahlplatzchen at the end of last week after his evening pub, could hardly get past the rough, illuminated canvas that had been positioned there. For one or the other it must have become clear: it will be filmed again in bamberg.
Until the end of last week, a film team was busy making a commercial for the "disney channel" record. The TV station will be available on free TV as of january. This is to be advertised with a short tv spot. Disney sounds like a fairy tale – so does bamberg: "the old town in particular is beautiful", anett grunbeck from the munich production company neverest, which filmed here, enthuses: two days for 45 seconds – that's how long the commercial will be shown in all the commercial blocks of the private television stations (from 7. January) can be seen.
The beautiful old town: the most common reason why bamberg is now preferred to many other possible locations like munich or nurnberg. The city is after great productions like the hollywood movie "the three musketeers" (2011), the three parts of the "sams" (last 2012) and before already in the 70s the "fliegende klassenzimmer has become a popular setting for filmmakers.
These films have already been shot in bamberg
That also buries the city of bamberg. "It is, after all, also an element of city marketing", says city press officer ulrike siebenhaar. In addition, the city is obliged to support film work – even short-term filming: for example, when the bavarian radio station is currently filming a report for the "abendschau" (evening show) here if you want to record, the city has to make it possible.
Often it is mainly about the release of parking spaces here. The teams finally arrive at the filming location in several trucks. The production company that recently shot the disney commercial needed, among other things, parking space at the crane where filming was done on the ship. Parking space at the schranne also had to be released.
If a film crew wants to shoot in bamberg, the city's press office is available as a service provider. The press office passes the request to the traffic office, which then gives the final approval. It has to be checked: how long will be filmed, how much space will be taken up? There are fees for this. In a rough shoot like in the movie "the three musketeers", when the courtyard, the old town hall among others were claimed, the city took several 10 000 euro in fees.
Regulate parking space
The balancing act of providing sufficient parking spaces for residents and meeting the demands of the filmmakers also requires a sure instinct, especially when it comes to residents' parking spaces: "it's difficult to designate completely new parking spaces, says ulrike siebenhaar, but in principle a temporary permit for the time of filming in restricted no-stopping areas is possible. But that has to be decided on a case-by-case basis. In principle, film crews could shoot anywhere, but the city sets limits if it becomes too much: "no one can block the cathedral square for four weeks – and no filming is possible on the berliner ring", says ulrike siebenhaar.
Enthusiasm among the musketeers
Depending on how extensive and rough the filming is, residents are informed about restrictions: "the more severe the impairment, the more information policy we pursue." Siebenhaar also emphasizes that the positive effects of rough productions outweigh the negative ones: after all, the teams also consume here, stay in hotels – and it can happen that a shelf with decorative items is half-emptied at karstadt. With films like the three musketeers, in which international stars like orlando bloom or christoph waltz took part, the acceptance among the population was high anyway: "there was great enthusiasm in the city, says siebenhaar.
According to the city spokeswoman, no request from a production company has ever had to be turned down. They have been very pleased with the results so far. And that wants to stay something: since the film "lola montez" from the year 1956, filming is going on in bamberg. A total of 17 productions have been paid for since then – and these are just the rough shots. Especially the youngest BR thriller of 2012, the "bamberger reiter", was also echoed by ulrike siebenhaar: "there you have seen a lot of bamberg."
In contrast, there are other productions where this was not necessarily the case: from 1994 to 1998, a sat1 series with gunter strack was filmed in bamberg. "The king" had 32 consequences. But there is little to be seen of bamberg, except for the license plates on the cars. But the city can't have any influence on that: "we can't make any stipulations about what they film", says ulrike siebenhaar.
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