Railroad does not want to accept new intercity trains because of deficiencies

Deutsche bahn refuses to take delivery of 25 new intercity trains from manufacturer bombardier transportation due to technical deficiencies. Apparently there are problems with the software of the train operating system.
Bombardier admitted on tuesday that the IC2 double-decker trains "are not currently operating with the reliability expected by DB and bombardier itself". Bombardier regrets the inconvenience caused to the railroad and its passengers, says a statement from the company.
The railroad had said it was "counting on the manufacturer to quickly remedy the defect" and was also exploring all legal remedies. Bombardier stated that it was working with the railroad on an acceptance package and an action plan "to significantly improve the reliability of the IC2 trains in the near future". The "suddeutsche zeitung" (tuesday) had previously reported on the problems.
Since the end of 2015, the railroad has been supplementing its intercity fleet with the new double-decker coaches. The current second series of construction work in the spa park is affected by the technical deficiencies. According to the "suddeutsche zeitung", railroad supervisory board circles have unequivocally demanded that bombardier quickly eliminate the deficiency. The newspaper also quotes internal railroad documents which describe, among other things, that the train’s operating system regularly breaks down. Locomotive drivers had to be at the train an hour before departure to start the system.
The "spiegel" had already reported in february last year about the lack of space for the second construction series of the double-decker intercity. The railroad described the problems at the time as "not serious and anything but unusual with the introduction of new vehicles."
The new IC2 trains replace decades-old IC carriages and offer more comfort and seats. They are used, among others, between dresden and koln as well as singen and stuttgart. In the long term, the railroad wants to use the trains to connect almost all cities with more than 100,000 inhabitants to the long-distance network.
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