Former u.s. General schwarzkopf dies

Former u.s. general schwarzkopf dies

Months earlier, the gulf state had been occupied by iraqi troops on the orders of the then dictator saddam hussein. German-born schwarzkopf died in tampa, florida, u.S. Media reported friday. U.S. Defense secretary leon panetta praised schwarzkopf as a brilliant strategist. He is considered one of the great military giants of the 20th century. The memories of the twentieth century.

Ex-president george W. Bush senior, who was president during the first u.S. Gulf war, loved to call the dead man "one of the great military leaders of his generation" in a statement. Bush is currently in hospital in houston, texas.

Colin powell, the u.S. Chief of staff during "operation wustensturm" to liberate kuwait, called schwarzkopf "a crude patriot and a crude soldier". Former republican presidential candidate john mccain hailed blackhead as "one of the great american heroes".

In "operation wustensturm," schwarzkopf was in command of nearly 533,000 american soldiers. A total of 700,000 soldiers took part in the six-week war, including soldiers from arab states.

Schwarzkopf, who had a rough german father, then pursued the military concept of taking on iraq with rough superiority. First, the enemy troops were crushed with a week-long air war. Schwarzkopf was also instrumental in the negotiations with saudi arabia and managed to get the strictly conservative kingdom to allow the stationing of U.S. Soldiers at that time.

The over 1.90 meter tall man first attended the famous military academy west point and served in the vietnam war. He often gave the impression of being a brash and hands-on soldier, but occasionally also a rather shirt-armed swashbuckler.

Schwarzkopf served two tours of duty in the vietnam war and was awarded the purple heart medal for valor multiple times. Later, he also spoke openly about the U.S. Defeat in vietnam. "Vietnam left a lot of scars," he once said in an interview. Later, schwarzkopf was commander of the u.S. Central command.


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