National biathlon coach honig: “tickling out the winning gene

national biathlon coach honig: 'tickling out the winning gene

Tickling out the winning gene again” is what women”s national coach gerald honig wants to do with his top athlete. “now we want to show from competition to competition that our way is right and the form is getting better,” said the coach. Two individual medals and a relay medal are the olympic goal for the german female skiers: “i went home from the olympics very satisfied. And hopefully there will be a joint medal in the mixed relay with the men,” said honig.

How is the mood in the women”s team?

Choral music in friesland

Choral music in Friesland

"Open wide the gates – what could be more festive at christmas time than the solemn playing of brass instruments with their incomparably majestic sound?? Music for the third advent was on the atmospheric program of the advent concert on sunday evening, which began with just this joyful and hopeful composition – performed by the wind band st. Georg friesen – an impressive start to the season.

For an hour in the friesen parish church, bathed in a soft light from many candles, the performers – the brass band, the catholic church choir and the mannergesangverein "cacilia" – prepared a festive christmas carol frieze – your audience a rough musical joy for the pre christmas season.

Censorship to party congress: china interrupts google and tunnel services

Censorship to party congress: china interrupts google and tunnel services

According to experts, never before have so many people been affected by the blocking of a web service. Tunnel connections that allow unfiltered access to information from abroad are also attacked and paralyzed.

The interruption on google lasted about twelve hours until saturday morning. Apart from the search engine, gmail, maps and documents were also unavailable. "We checked, but there were no problems on our side," google told the german press agency in peking. According to the monitoring service greatfire.Org was "DNS poisoning". In this attack, the mapping between the "hostname" and the corresponding IP address is falsified.

The one with the green thumb

Apprentices in the gartner trade in lower franconia have been released these days. Among them are two young men from the habberg mountains. "We have the most versatile profession", dominik krefft and fabio weingold are unanimous in their opinion. Since saturday they are officially gardeners in the field of horticulture and landscaping. They received their certificates together with almost 90 other graduates from lower franconia in their field of specialization as well as in landscaping, ornamental plant and fruit growing and perennial and cemetery gardening at a central graduation ceremony in waigolshausen (district of schweinfurt).

Daily commute to work
From limbach and kirchlauter, where their previous training companies are located, they will in future carry out their work at changing locations with private or public clients.

Four meter high golden statue of erdogan irritates wiesbaden

Four meter high golden statue of erdogan irritates wiesbaden

An art installation in wiesbaden featuring a golden statue of the controversial turkish president recep tayyip erdogan is causing a stir and irritation. The four-meter figure was erected on monday as part of the biennale art and theater festival.

Even the city council was surprised. In the run-up to the biennial, the erection of a "human statue" was approved, she announced. But it was not clear "that it would be a statue of erdogan".

“Many opportunities for participation”

In the deanery of bamberg there were 45852 voters in 13 parishes who voted on 208 candidates for the parish council. 145 were elected, 59.3 percent of them are women. One of the chosen ones answered the interview with our newspaper: christoph brey, 40 years old, pedagogical director, now belongs to the parish council of st. Martin.

You have been elected to the parish council of st. Martin has been elected. Why did you decide to run for office??
Christoph brey: since my wife and I were very warmly welcomed to the parish of st. After we were accepted by st. Martin, we also volunteered here. In the parish council, I would like to try to contribute my talents and abilities in the future. A commitment to our church and the gospel should be a "matter of honor" for all christians his.
What opportunities do you have as council members to help shape community life??
There are many possibilities to participate in the life of the parish, everyone can do this according to his possibilities. The parish council has various tasks, ranging from helping to shape the liturgical and spiritual offerings of the parish, to commitment to the mission or the young people and seniors, to the organization of festivals and celebrations. Many more points could be mentioned here.

Olympic fire in fukushima: “light at the end of the tunnel

A small lantern with the flame will be on display until the end of april at the J-village soccer training center near the ruins of the fukushima nuclear power plant, as the organizers of the games, which have been postponed to next year, announced at a handover ceremony. The access for the burghers is subject to restrictions for protection against the coronavirus. The flame was handed over to a representative of fukushima, where it was supposed to be on the 26th. March the torch relay should have started. Due to the postponement of the games for one year, the torch relay was also suspended for the time being.

The olympic flame was lit on 20. Marz arriving from greece at a military base in the neighboring province of miyagi. Regardless of the worries about the corona virus pandemic, on the following day around 55.000 japanese in the provincial capital sendai visited the fire. Organizers spoke of the "flame of recovery". In 2011, an earthquake and a resulting tsunami caused a natural disaster in the region, killing more than 18,500 people. Nuclear meltdowns subsequently occurred at the fukushima nuclear power plant.

Forchheim’s mayor franz streit celebrates his 70th birthday on monday. Birthday

Forchheim's mayor franz streit celebrates his 70th birthday on monday. Birthday

Book printer and master burgrawer franz streit, who on monday, 18. November, his 70th. The city of ludwig-main-danube-canal crossed the city, when the increasing individual traffic flowed through the main street and cars parked on the parade and town hall squares. "As a child, forchheim was very easy to understand for me", says the jubilarian, whose trademarks are his trouser straps and the bicycle he rides through the city.

"At the canal harbor, not far from the preserved schleusenwarter house, where today there is a shopping center, i used to go ice skating and sledding on the weingartsteig trail. There was the ‘seven hills’, and there was not a single house in sight, franz streit remembers a little wistfully.

Adelsdorf develops into an art center

Adelsdorf develops into an art center

It is already a tradition that the town hall of adelsdorf (district of erlangen-hochstadt) opens its doors to artists from the town and the region. Tonight is the fourth vernissage – this time by the two artists heike flugel and uta schlerf.

Both are members of the association schloss-kunst-adelsdorf. Uta schlerf, a native of erlangen, has been drawn to art and painting since she was a child. At the age of just under 30, the trained social insurance clerk began working with fabric design, including painting walls in children's rooms.
Since 1996 she lives in adelsdorf and also here she trained in the techniques of watercolor, acrylic and drawing with inge graf-ackermann in weisendorf. She has also taken part in courses offered by the local adelsdorf artist, renate fuckerider.

The bridge construction site at breitenbach is now being rebuilt again

The bridge construction site at breitenbach is now being rebuilt again

Josef hofbauer at a site visit to the newly constructed bridges along the eschlipper talstrabe, architect max brust of the weyrauther engineering office drew an all-round positive conclusion. The bridges built by the ROH construction company were completed on schedule. "We have tried to affect the residents as little as possible", insured contractor egon rohleder.

The damage to the houses, which had led to a temporary suspension of the construction work, were very fine hairline cracks, max brust assured the jury. This was confirmed by an expert. The cracks were easily removed with a brush and paint, brust said.